Ensemble contre la peine de mort (ECPM)
Accueil > Archives > Congrès mondial à Madrid > Actualités > Résolution du Groupe de soutien politique (...)
The four previous World Congresses have shown the need to establish a resolute political and diplomatic action network. The Core Group for political mobilization, created as part of the preparation of the first Regional Congress on the death penalty in the Arab world in Rabat, Morocco and the 5th World Congress against the death penalty, is open to any State wishing to engage in the struggle for the universal abolition of the death penalty.
Today it is comprised by the four Sponsor States of the 5th World Congress (Spain, Norway, Switzerland and France)and Argentina, Mexico, Morocco (CNDH), the Principality of Monaco, Turkey and my country, Rwanda) and the International Commission against the Death Penalty.
This new body has three major objectives :
1. Ensure a high level of political representation of abolitionist and non-abolitionist States and contribute to the sustainability of global and regional conferences against the death penalty.
2. Encourage the active participation and commitment of abolitionist States to establish a dialogue with non-abolitionist States for the universal abolition of the death penalty, by mainstreaming the struggle against the death penalty in the agenda of bilateral and multilateral meetings on human rights.
3. Encourage States to engage in the ongoing campaign for the universal abolition by voting the universal moratorium on the General Assembly of the UN, the ratification of the Optional Protocol to the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights and the reduction in death sentences and executions, at a national, regional and international level.
Call for diplomacy against the death penalty :
The Core Group calls :
1. Abolitionists to work together for concerted abolitionist diplomatic actions ;
2. Abolitionist countries to work in coordination with the Core Group in the preparation of major national, regional and international events on the death penalty ;
3. Non-abolitionist countries to engage in a dialogue with members of the Core Group ;