Ensemble contre la peine de mort (ECPM)
Accueil > Archives > Congrès mondial à Madrid > Round Table - Abolition and alternative (...)
• Alternatives to Imprisonment in East Africa : Trends and Challenges, Summary Note, Penal Reform International, February 2012
• Promoting alternatives to imprisonment, Committee on legal affairs and human rights, Parliamentary Assembly, (18 pages)
• Alternatives to Incarceration, custodial and non-custodial measures, criminal justice assessment toolkit, United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, 2006, (39 pages)
• Alternative Sanctions to the Death Penalty Information Pack, Penal Reform International, April 2011, (44 pages)
• Cruel and unusual U.S. sentenCing Practices in a global context, University of San Francisco, School of Law, May 2012, (88 pages)
• Managing effective alternatives to capital punishment, Occasional paper series-special edition, Volume Three, June 24, 2005, Centre for Capital Punishment Studies, University of Westminster, (55 pages)
Le 5e Congrès mondial contre la peine de mort se tiendra au Palacio Municipal de Congresos de Madrid (Metro 8 : Campo de las naciones) du 12 au 15 juin 2013.
Deux sessions plénières, onze tables rondes et huit ateliers se succéderont pendant deux jours de débat. Plus d’informations sur le programme des débats ici.